Dimitrios Floor


Mitso Floor is an avid chamber and orchestral musician from Seattle, WA. Outside of Santa Rosa Symphony, he is the violist of Friction Quartet, an ensemble dedicated to modernizing the chamber music experience and expanding its repertoire. An active freelancer, he regularly substitutes with the San Francisco Symphony and holds positions in California, Berkeley, and Vallejo Symphonies. Floor received a bachelor’s degree from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and a master’s degree from the University of Miami, and his past teachers include Matthew Young, Jodi Levitz, and Dimitri Murrath.

Other activities he enjoys, too numerous to fit into his free time, include arranging, making pizza, knitting, 3D printing, and creating videos of himself playing many different instruments (and non-instruments) at the same time for his YouTube channel “Beanzo”.

A portrait of Dimitrios Floor and his instrument